Camping with Troop 106

Troop 106 does weekend campouts multiple times a year. These vary between small troop-only events to large district or council events, tent and cabin camping, and more! For help packing for a weekend camput, our troop has a weekend camping checkist available.

Summer Camp

Troop 106 attends summer camp at the Ten Mile River Scout Reservation (TMR) in Narrowsburg, NY. TMR offers a number of merit badges and other activities in areas such as aquatics, nature, scout skills, handicraft, and performing arts.

Troop 106 attends camp the end of July through early August. Camp begins on Sunday and continues until Saturday, for a total of 7 days and 6 nights. Families are invited to attend the Sunday Chicken BBQ Dinner and camp program tour, as well as the Friday night BBQ and campfire. Please make reservations and arrange payment with the camp office by the Wednesday before camp.

Camp 2023

Camp: Keowa
Week: 2 (7/16 - 7/22)
Site: 23
Leader: Mr. Mall

Medical Due: 7/11 at the troop meeting

Medical Form Packing List

Preparing for Camp

Boy Scout first aid supplies


Every scout and adult attending summer camp MUST have a physical exam completed within a year of the last day of camp. Schedule your doctor appointment well in advance of camp! The medical form must be completely and accurately filled out with all dates, signatures, and pertinent medical information (some of this information must be endorsed by your physician, so bring your form with you). Also, a reminder that a photocopy of BOTH sides of your insurance card must be included with your medical paperwork.

The troop must receive a photocopy of your medical (NOT the original) at the Tuesday meeting before camp starts. Having the troop's medical paperwork turned in in advance streamlines our check-in process on Sunday arrival.

Boy Scout first aid supplies


Scouts should pack their own gear for camp. They will need to know what they have and where it is stored. Additionally, all gear should be properly labeled to indicate ownership (there will be hundreds of scouts at camp, all with similar equipment). A printable summer camp checklist is available to help with packing.

Do NOT pack snacks for camp. Woodland animals WILL find them and consume them. The camp has a trading post where snacks can be purchased for eating, not for storage.

Boy Scout uniform socks ready to be packed away for camp

Drop-off and Pickup

Our troop meets the Sunday of camp on Dr. Duggan Road in Lake Superior State Park at 12:10 PM. We will have a brief equipment check, uniform check, etc. From there we will proceed to Ten Mile River in “convoy” style so that the troop arrives at the same time and can be processed as a unit.

Pickup will be at camp on Saturday at 9:30 AM. If a scout is to be transported home by anyone other than a parent, the troop must know in advance directly from the scout's parents. That adult's name should be placed on the scout's medical form.

At Camp

Contacting the Leaders

Important messages can be relayed by calling the the camp office. Less important messages can be emailed to the troop leaders at, which will be checked regularly. Contacting a specific leader can sometimes be accomplished through text message, however cell service is very poor within camp and should not be relied upon as a means of contact.

A scout and scoutmaster at camp
Troop 106 lining up on the parade field at summer camp

Contacting the Scouts

Contacting scouts directly is not encouraged. Camp is an opportunity for youth to develop both as scouts and as individuals, learning important lessons in outdoorsmanship, responsibility, and self-reliance. Having a "lifeline" to home does not help to foster these traits, and often only leads to homesickness.

Sending snail mail to camp is possible but should be done a few days in advance to account for mailroom processing time. Scouts can receive mail at camp using the following address format:

{scout name}
Troop 106, {camp, campsite, and week}
Ten Mile River Scout Camps
1481 Crystal Lake Road
Narrowsburg, NY 12764-4414
Troop 106 lining up on the parade field at summer camp