About Troop 106

Troop 106 has been Jeffersonville, NY's Boy Scout troop for more than 85 years. It provides scouting opportunities for youth in many local communities in the area.

Troop 106 meets weekly on Tuesday in Jeffersonville, NY. We aim to have an outdoor activity once a month, either a campout, a hike, or other scouting related adventure. In the summer, the troop attends a week long overnight summer camp program where scouts can earn merit badges and do activities that are not easily available otherwise.

Anyone interested in being involved with the troop should contact the scoutmaster at troop106hvc@gmail.com.

Boy Scouts of America logo


Troop 106 and their catapult built during a camping trip

Troop Events

The troop plans an outdoor activity for every month of the year. Typically this includes 6-8 campouts, two of which are district-wide camporees, and two that are winter cabin weekends. In addition, the troop goes hiking, caving/climbing, ice fishing, and on other activities suggested by the scouts.

Seasonally, Troop 106 holds courts of honor when scouts receive recognition for ranks, merit badges, awards, and other achievements that they have earned. Each scout in the troop progresses at their own pace and learns skills based on their individual interests. Special courts of honor are held when a scout in the troop achieves the rank of Eagle, the highest award in the Boy Scouts of America.

Troop 106 and their catapult built during a camping trip

Summer Camp

Troop 106 attends summer camp at the Ten Mile River Scout Reservation (TMR) in Narrowsburg, NY. It is run by the Greater New York Councils of the Boy Scouts of America. Typically our troop attends camp in July. Camp begins on Sunday and continues until Saturday, for a total of 7 days and 6 nights. TMR offers a number of merit badges and other activities in areas such as aquatics, nature, scout skills, handicraft, and performing arts.

More information about summer camp with Troop 106 can be found on our camping information page.

Troop 106 lining up on the parade field at summer camp
Annual Troop 106 chicken BBQ


Our big fundraiser is the annual chicken barbeque (usually held in July) at the First Presbyterian Church of Jeffersonville. Throughout the year scouts can sell chocolate bars, popcorn, and meat sticks.

Part of the profit from each fundraiser goes into a “Scout Bucks” account for the individual scout to save for the cost of summer camp. The amount is determined by the scout’s participation in the fundraiser.

Annual Troop 106 chicken BBQ

Troop Organization


The troop is split into standard patrols and the Senior Patrol. New scouts join one of the standard patrols. Scouts who have held a senior leadership position are welcome to join the senior patrol.

Meetings are generally planned and run by the Senior Patrol Leader with assistance from the Senior Patrol and patrol leaders. Each patrol leader is responsible for the scouts in their patrol. When planning patrol-based camping trips, the patrol leader is responsible for planning the meals and shopping, seeing that all needed patrol equipment is secured, and planning and running activities for the patrol during the campout.

Patches of troop leadership positions
Adult scout leader patches

Adult Leadership

The troop is lead by the Scoutmaster, with the help of several Assistant Scoutmasters. Adult leaders have been trained for BSA leadership positions and a variety of other certifications including Safe Swim Defence, Safety Afloat, and Climb On Safely. Behind the scenes, the troop committee handles all of the recordkeeping, finances, and other paperwork.

Any parent/guardian wishing to participate as a leader or committee member should contact the scoutmaster at troop106hvc@gmail.com.

Adult scout leader patches